Search Options
You can search by Lease Prefix and Number (Assignment is optional), by Ogrid Number, or by Company Name.
Search Fields
Lease prefix: A lease number prefix such as V0 or GR. be careful not to confuse 0 (zero) with the letter O. Also this field is always 2 letters.
Lease Number: A lease number, such as 100 or 2664.
Assignment: An assignment number, such as 0 or 2.
OGRID Number: Operator’s OGRID number, such as 109810 (can be found on the Lessee Information page).
- Company Name: All or part of the company’s name that holds the leas.
Result Data Fields
OGRID ID: The operator company’s OGRID number. Click on the link to search for more information on this company.
- Company Name: The operator company’s name.
Instrument or Lease Number: Full Instrument/lease number.
- Link: Click on the link to search for more information on this company.
- Status: Current status of the lease.
- Map Link: Opens map information for the lease.